Aussie Threads
Revive to Survive held its second major fundraiser, “Aussie Threads,” at the Crown Plaza Houston on June 13th, 2015. The highly unique and ambitious event turned out to be a huge success. Dr. Renu Khator, president of the University of Houston, was present at the event and delivered an inspirational speech as our chief guest. The audience was treated to seeing our beautiful models draped in the various fashions and designs of both Australian designer Jason Chetcuti, as well as local Houston designer LaTarsha Williams. Our co-emcees, Corbett Parker and Rachel White, really kept the energy up throughout the night, and Corbett ensured that our live auction was a huge success. The silent auction also proved to be a hit, with many of the items placed for bidding being sold. We were able to raise awareness about our project “Enhance for a Chance,” which aimed to sign up 200 donors to donate $10 a month to enable us to provide lifesaving medications to pediatric cancer patients at the National Cancer Institute, Maharagama, Sri Lanka.
Thanks to all the donors, sponsors, and people who attended and helped make this event possible, Revive to Survive was able to raise a total of $32,000! This would have not been possible without all the support we received from both our community the generous hearts that have recently learned of our cause. We thank everyone for their generosity towards the pediatric patients of the Maharagama Cancer Hospital, and we hope that you enjoyed our event and will join us to help these children for many years to come.